Orinoco Gold: Wealth Destruction!


Gold Theft? Wrong-Doing? …why not send the info to me anonymously? -I can report to the authorities.

For an in-depth understanding of how it appears that the company may have been deceiving shareholders, take a look at the blog links:

Orinoco Gold Announcement Analysis
To those invested: Many people have lost everything they invest in business and this gets worse when companies do not tell the truth. This blog is about Orinoco Gold LTD (ASX: OGX) whose announcements never seem to agree with gold production. … or get anywhere near it.

This blog begins with reports to ASIC about the analysis of some OGX announcements that simply do not seem to have the “ring of truth”. This is a community service where investors can try to understand what is actually going on. Feel free to send an e-mail if you have additional information that you would like to publish anonymously, regardless of the content. However, this blog is only interested in telling the truth. We can leave the church in the village.

Orinoco Gold Ankündigungsanalyse: Für meinen guten australischen Freund: Viele Menschen habenalles verloren, was sie in Unternehmen investieren, und dies wird nochschlimmer, wenn Unternehmen nicht die Wahrheit sagen. In diesem Blog geht es umOrinoco Gold LTD (ASX: OGX), deren Ankündigungen niemals mit der Goldproduktionzu übereinstimmen scheinen. … oder irgendwo in die Nähe kommen.

Dieses Blog beginnt mit Berichten an ASIC über die Analysevon OGX-Ankündigungen, die einfach nicht den “Ring der Wahrheit” zuhaben scheinen. Hierbei handelt es sich um einen Community-Service, bei demAnleger versuchen können, zu verstehen, was tatsächlich vor sich geht. Siekönnen gerne eine E-Mail senden, wenn Sie weitere Informationen haben, die Sieanonym veröffentlichen möchten, unabhängig vom Inhalt. Dieser Blog ist jedochnur daran interessiert, die Wahrheit zu berichten. Wir können die Kirche im Dorfverlassen.

Orinoco Gold Announcement Analysis
Para meu bom amigo australiano. Muitas pessoas perderam tudo o que investem em negócios e isso piora quando as empresas não dizem a verdade. Este blog é sobre o Orinoco Gold LTD (ASX: OGX) cujos anúncios nunca parecem concordar com a produção de ouro. … ou chegar a algum lugar perto.

Este blog começa com relatórios para o ASIC sobre a análise de anúncios da OGX que simplesmente não parecem ter o “anel da verdade”. Este é um serviço comunitário onde os investidores podem tentar entender o que realmente está acontecendo. Sinta-se à vontade para enviar um e-mail se tiver informações adicionais que gostaria de publicar anonimamente, independentemente do conteúdo. No entanto, este blog está interessado apenas em dizer a verdade. Nós podemos deixar a igreja na aldeia.

Comentários anônimos para: gunter.schimmel@protonmail.com
Anonyme Kommentare an: gunter.schimmel@protonmail.com
Anonymous comments to: gunter.schimmel@protonmail.com